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Volume Zero Competitions presents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to design a utopian future. We invite architects, designers, students, teachers, engineers, artists, visionaries, and everyone who believes in the unseen future of life on the red planet.

Research and exploratory studies in the past decade have brought Mars into the limelight. With the rising pressure on earthy resources and the climate crisis, mankind’s quest for a comfortable living is pushing us to find new avenues for a sustainable future.

The participants are to thus create a self-sustaining living habitat on the resourceful red planet, making mankind a multi-planetary species. Mars awaits its very own Architect! Be the visionary who designs the future, and join the second edition of the Marception movement now!


Since the start of time, we humans have been captivated by the mystical nature of other celestial bodies surrounding our Planet Earth. This fascination has been translated to works of astronomy, astrology, architecture and many other studies from making a simple telescope to humankind’s first steps on the Moon. This unending drive for exploration has today led us to understanding our neighboring solar systems and galaxies, thousands of light years away.

The last few centuries have seen our Mother Earth grappling with mounting pressure towards her resources due to mankind’s quest for a better life. This persistent pressure has now compounded into unpredictable and irrevocable changes to our climatic conditions and atmosphere. To relieve this mounting weight, we have been taking huge strides in our efforts to find resources on other planets like Mars for a clean and sustainable future.

The previous decade has witnessed MARS as the center of attention for becoming a potential new habitat for the earth’s future population, resulting in a Martian race. With many visionary organizations and their ground-breaking explorative studies and research, the unseen future of inhabiting the Red Planet is now a real possibility; an opportunity to create a utopian tomorrow, making mankind a multi-planetary species.

Mars awaits its very own Architect!

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Get more details about the competition, rules, terms and conditions.


1st Prize

$ 2000

Certificate of Achievement

2nd Prize

$ 1200

Certificate of Achievement

3rd Prize

$ 800

Certificate of Achievement

10 Honorable Mentions : Certificates

Winners and Honourable Mentions will be published on Volume Zero website and several international architecture and design magazines.

Participation Certificates

To show our appreciation, all the participants would receive participation certificate.



12 th






Early Registrations




Standard Registrations




Submission For





Note: All the Deadlines are scheduled at 11:59 Indian Standard Time



Download the Brief and Register


Create a stunning design for The MARSCEPTION 2024


Mail your submission by 15th May 2024


Our panel of International jury will evaluate


Winners will be awarded prize money and trophies


Aroty Panyang

Studio Aro, India

Carsten Primdahl

Cebra Architecture, Denmark

Chenchen Hu

HCCH Studio, China

Edouard Cabay

IAAC Posgrado 3D Printing Architecture, Spain

Eva Bo Geisler

Spacon & X, Denmark

Georgi Petrov


Sushant Verma

rat[LAB] Studio, India

YU Ting

Wutopia Lab, China

Yuko Sono

Clouds AO (Clouds Architecture Office), USA


  • Q: How does a team receive their team unique code?

A: All the participants will only receive the team unique code on completion of registration process.

  • Q: Where all do the participants need to use their team unique code?

A: All the participants would be using their team code on the top right corner of their sheets, as the name of their submission and wherever requested by the organizer. This code will be their only identification for the process related with this competition.

  • Q: What is the limit or cap on the number of team members and can anyone participate individually?

A: A team can have up to three members and cannot exceed this number. The participants who desire to participate individually can do so by filling and submitting the details for the team leader.

  • Q: What file name should be given to submission material?

A: The participants are requested to submit the files with their unique team code as its name.

  • Q: What is the nature of the competition and is it open for all?

A: Marsception 2024 Architecture Competition is an open ideas design competition with no intentions to execute the proposals submitted in any form. The competition is open to all and students and professionals from all walks can join the competition.

  • Q: Are the teams allowed to share their work for the competition before the winners are announced by the organizer?

A: The participants are only permitted to share their proposal for the competition on social media or any other platform once the winners are revealed officially. Volume Zero will also publish winners at this date and will be working with many design platforms to attract publication opportunities.

  • Q: What are the modes of submissions?

A: The participants are requested to submit their work in JPEG file format in 150 DPI resolutions.

  • Q: What should be the submission file size?

A: The file size should not exceed more than 5MB.

  • Q: What unit system should any participant adhere in case if anyone wants to show dimensions?

A: The participants are free to use any one of imperial or metric unit systems.

  • Q: What would the size of the sheet be?

A: The participants are required to use an A1 sheet i.e. (841 x 594 mm)/ (33.1 x 23.4 inches). The sheets must be composed in Landscape orientation, with the Unique Team Code on the top right corner.

  • Q: What should the participants do in case the payments are not available in our country?

A: We request the participants to send us the queries on questions@volumezerocompetitions.com to get an alternate payment method. We would send you all the possible payment methods.

  • Q: What does the participant do when they don’t get a unique identification code after the payment is made?

A: In case of such a problem we request you to send us your payment receipt to questions@volumezerocompetitions.com with the "unique identification code" as subject matter.

  • Q: What is the 200 word count in the submission; does it include all the text in the submission sheet?

A: The 200 word limit for the submission is only limited to the project description. It would not include the text used as Legends or captions, layout dimensions or any other text apart from project description.

  • Q: Do you have a minimum font size requirement for the sheet?

A: There is no set minimum font size; however, it is important to keep the font legible and readable.

  • Q: Is there a minimum requirement for renderings, and diagrams or a maximum limit?

A: There are no minimum requirements for the presentation illustrations and diagrams. The participants are encouraged to make the presentation self-explanatory.

  • Q: Do the plans/sections need to scale?

A: The drawings in the submission need not necessarily be on a scale as long as they have relevant dimensions mentioned.

  • Q: Should the drawings be composed by hand or any specific software?

A: The participants are free to select the medium for presentation. They are free to create a handmade or software-generated sheet for the submission.

  • Q: Will participants receive certificates for participation in the competition?

A: Yes, all the participants would receive certificates for participation.

  • Q: Is there a deadline on the use of Early Subscriber Promo code?

A: Yes, the promo code would be valid only till 11:59 PM (IST), 17 May 2024

Need Additional Support

Email us your questions at questions@volumezerocompetitions.com

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